“The world’s your oyster when it comes to re-imagining art through your artistic mastery and inclinations. Let your intuition and curiosity reveal the art within you.”
— Christine Roger, Canadian pyrography artist
PyroArtisan Boutique was created in April 2023 by Christine Roger, a self-taught pyrography artist. Christine discovered pyrography when she was looking for a way to “draw” on wood.
She has since developed her own unique style, learning from other pyrography artists and through her own artistic journey. The how-to videos, books and blogs by Canadian and international pyrography artists were instrumental in her development as a pyrography artist.
Since February 2021, Christine has been creating and woodburning original designs. She has a symbiotic relationship with water that permeates her art. She used to be a sailing instructor, race on yachts and sail on the ocean and lakes.
Christine uses watercolour in her mixed-media pyrography art to add colour to the woodburned sepia tones. Read her blogs to discover her woodburning and watercolour techniques.